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Saturday, February 9, 2013

Tranquilla Nadie va a tocarte ^_~ Song gets me every time!

Yet another one that can bring back memories....and bring on the waterworks tambien. Ugh!
Translation for ya:
(yo te cuidare)
I will take care of you
No permitire q nada te pase
I wont let anything happen to you
(Te protejere)
I will protect you
No piedad pa' aquel que se propase
No mercy for the one that passes
Nada va a pasar
Nothing will happen
(Tu tranquila nadie va a tocarte)
Be calm, noone will touch you
Nada va a pasar
Nothing will happen
(Yo estoy aqui para ti para cuidarte)
I'm here to take care of you

Nada va a pasar
Nothing will happen
(Nada va a pasar)(x2)
Nothing will happen

Usted tranquila conmigo
Be calm with me
Q esta segura conmigo
you're safe with me
En el frio soy tu abrigo
in the coldness I'm your shelter
Soy tu amante y tu amigo
I'm your lover and your friend

(Tranquila amor)
Calm down my love
(Nada va a pasar)
Nothing will happen
Yo te cuidare
I will take care of you
(Segura amor)
Safe love
(Nada va a pasar)
Nothing will happen
Contigo estare
I'll be with you

Cuando estes confundida
When you're confused
A ti llegare enseguida
I'll come to you immediately
A ti nadie te lastima
nothing will hurt you
Por ti yo daria la vida
I would give my life for you

(Tranquila amor)
Be calm love
(Nada va a pasar)
Nothing will happen
Yo te cuidare
I'll take care of you
(Segura amor)
safe love
(Nada va a pasar)
Nothing will happen
Contigo estare
I'll be with you

Nada va a pasar
Nothing will happen
(Tu tranquila nadie va a tocarte)
Be calm, no one will touch you
Nada va a pasar
Nothing will happen
(Yo estoy aqui para ti pa cuidarte)
I'm here to take care of you

Nada va a pasar
Nothing will happen
(Nada va a pasar)(x2)
Nothing will happen

(Yeah, yeah)
Tranquila que yo estoy contigo(como?)
Be calm, I'm with you
No pueden conmigo los enemigos(oye)
the enemies cant fight me
Saben ellos saben que yo me guillo(como?)
They know I'm careful
Halaste del feeling pero no del gatillo
you hauled of the feeling but not of the trigger
Wanna this song(que!!)
Estos puercos to's kieren mi son(Oye!!)
Those pigs (lol) want my son
Saben ellos saben que yo me guillo(como?)
They know I'm careful
Saben ellos saben que yo me guillo(como?)
They know I'm careful
Dos no hacen uno asi que tranquila
Two dont make one so be calm
Estas conmigo asi q bacila
You're with me so relax
Nadie te toca solo te miran
Nobody touches you, they're just looking
Aki estoy ready pues si se tiran(Oye!)
I'm ready here if they try

Nada va a pasar
Nothing will happen
(Tu tranquila nadie va a tocarte)
Be calm, no one will touch you
Nada va a pasar
Nothing will happen
(Yo estoy aqui pa ti para cuidarte)
I'm here to take care of you

Nada va a pasar(tu lo sabes)(echa pa'ca)(aja)
Nothing will happen (you know it)
(Nada va a pasar)(x2)
Nothing will happen
Oye mami tengo curiosidades
listen mami, I'm curious
De besar tu piel
to kiss your skin
Y cada una de tus extremidades
and every other part of your body
Sabes mami tengo lo que tu buscas aki
You know mami, i have what you are looking for here
Todo pa ti(Arcangel pa' tu sabes mi nombre)
everything for you (Archangel, so that you know my name)
Si estas con otro
if you're with another one
Pa'ki podras fugarte
you can escape here
Asi q alante llamo pa avisarte
so I'm callig to notify you
Atrevete conmigo podras escaparte
dare, you could escape with me
Tranquila que nada va a pasarte
be calm, nothing will happen to you

(Yo te cuidare)
I will take care of you
No permitire q nada te pase
I wont let anything happen to you
(Te protejere)
I'll protect you
No piedad pa' aquel que se propase
no mercy for the one that passes
Nada va a pasar
Nothing will happen
(Tu tranquila nadie va a tocarte)
Be calm noone will touch you
Nada va a pasar
Nothing will happen
(Yo estoy aqui para ti para cuidarte)
I'm here to take care of you

Nada va a pasar
Nothing will happen
(Nada va a pasar)(x2)
Nothing will happen

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