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D&K by me

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Shut up and take a seat

Matthew Knowles love child drama

So are we supposed to be feeling sorry for this home wrecker? "He won't see his child. She doesn't want to meet her baby brother." Seriously hoe bag? Of course Matthew ought to be there or at least pay child support but don't try to tarnish Bey because she don't want to see your illegitimate love child. You knew he was married when you spread your legs. Stop looking for your 15 minutes of fame. What do you expect for everyone to be like "it's okay that you were a home wrecking hussy who slept with a married man hoping for a paycheck and a lil spotlight. Lets all meet your cute lil love child aka your golden ticket." Ugh! GTFOH

Side chicks kills me pulling bs like this.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Going to try this for one week hope it works!

I don't know why my body decided to hate me AFTER I had my daughter but now I have dark marks on my face and almost anything makes me break out. Soooooo gonna give this a shot for one week and pray that it works!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Tranquilla Nadie va a tocarte ^_~ Song gets me every time!

Yet another one that can bring back memories....and bring on the waterworks tambien. Ugh!
Translation for ya:
(yo te cuidare)
I will take care of you
No permitire q nada te pase
I wont let anything happen to you
(Te protejere)
I will protect you
No piedad pa' aquel que se propase
No mercy for the one that passes
Nada va a pasar
Nothing will happen
(Tu tranquila nadie va a tocarte)
Be calm, noone will touch you
Nada va a pasar
Nothing will happen
(Yo estoy aqui para ti para cuidarte)
I'm here to take care of you

Nada va a pasar
Nothing will happen
(Nada va a pasar)(x2)
Nothing will happen

Usted tranquila conmigo
Be calm with me
Q esta segura conmigo
you're safe with me
En el frio soy tu abrigo
in the coldness I'm your shelter
Soy tu amante y tu amigo
I'm your lover and your friend

(Tranquila amor)
Calm down my love
(Nada va a pasar)
Nothing will happen
Yo te cuidare
I will take care of you
(Segura amor)
Safe love
(Nada va a pasar)
Nothing will happen
Contigo estare
I'll be with you

Cuando estes confundida
When you're confused
A ti llegare enseguida
I'll come to you immediately
A ti nadie te lastima
nothing will hurt you
Por ti yo daria la vida
I would give my life for you

(Tranquila amor)
Be calm love
(Nada va a pasar)
Nothing will happen
Yo te cuidare
I'll take care of you
(Segura amor)
safe love
(Nada va a pasar)
Nothing will happen
Contigo estare
I'll be with you

Nada va a pasar
Nothing will happen
(Tu tranquila nadie va a tocarte)
Be calm, no one will touch you
Nada va a pasar
Nothing will happen
(Yo estoy aqui para ti pa cuidarte)
I'm here to take care of you

Nada va a pasar
Nothing will happen
(Nada va a pasar)(x2)
Nothing will happen

(Yeah, yeah)
Tranquila que yo estoy contigo(como?)
Be calm, I'm with you
No pueden conmigo los enemigos(oye)
the enemies cant fight me
Saben ellos saben que yo me guillo(como?)
They know I'm careful
Halaste del feeling pero no del gatillo
you hauled of the feeling but not of the trigger
Wanna this song(que!!)
Estos puercos to's kieren mi son(Oye!!)
Those pigs (lol) want my son
Saben ellos saben que yo me guillo(como?)
They know I'm careful
Saben ellos saben que yo me guillo(como?)
They know I'm careful
Dos no hacen uno asi que tranquila
Two dont make one so be calm
Estas conmigo asi q bacila
You're with me so relax
Nadie te toca solo te miran
Nobody touches you, they're just looking
Aki estoy ready pues si se tiran(Oye!)
I'm ready here if they try

Nada va a pasar
Nothing will happen
(Tu tranquila nadie va a tocarte)
Be calm, no one will touch you
Nada va a pasar
Nothing will happen
(Yo estoy aqui pa ti para cuidarte)
I'm here to take care of you

Nada va a pasar(tu lo sabes)(echa pa'ca)(aja)
Nothing will happen (you know it)
(Nada va a pasar)(x2)
Nothing will happen
Oye mami tengo curiosidades
listen mami, I'm curious
De besar tu piel
to kiss your skin
Y cada una de tus extremidades
and every other part of your body
Sabes mami tengo lo que tu buscas aki
You know mami, i have what you are looking for here
Todo pa ti(Arcangel pa' tu sabes mi nombre)
everything for you (Archangel, so that you know my name)
Si estas con otro
if you're with another one
Pa'ki podras fugarte
you can escape here
Asi q alante llamo pa avisarte
so I'm callig to notify you
Atrevete conmigo podras escaparte
dare, you could escape with me
Tranquila que nada va a pasarte
be calm, nothing will happen to you

(Yo te cuidare)
I will take care of you
No permitire q nada te pase
I wont let anything happen to you
(Te protejere)
I'll protect you
No piedad pa' aquel que se propase
no mercy for the one that passes
Nada va a pasar
Nothing will happen
(Tu tranquila nadie va a tocarte)
Be calm noone will touch you
Nada va a pasar
Nothing will happen
(Yo estoy aqui para ti para cuidarte)
I'm here to take care of you

Nada va a pasar
Nothing will happen
(Nada va a pasar)(x2)
Nothing will happen

Feeling Pam Grier-ish today ^_~

Bam-chika-wom-wow! Lol I lovvve this woman, mostly her hair. When I took my hair out of my braids today I was instantly like "Foxy Brown!" Haha. Picture time!
Hey baby!



Be your BFF if you buy me more henna =P

Why aren't you following me on instagram @MariposaUrbana

Salute to all my curly girlies!

Stay foxy baby! ~Mari

Been there! Natural hair problems =(

"I don't wanna look like a punk ass bitch in front of the flat irons."

Friday, February 8, 2013

Dreams do come true.

So I opened my email and saw my book cover! Yay! I can now say that I've knocked out one of two of my major goals. Anyway check it out and be sure to get it March 12! ^_~ *besos*

Confessions of a shoe-a-holic

Ahhh Kimora Lee Simmons. Not only are you a great inspiration to me BUT you have gotten me addicted to your shoes lol. But seriously I'm finding myself ordering shoes every single month! Wth man ;p
This is the true meaning of happiness in a box ^_~ *besos*

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Paloma Negra, where have you been?

Great song by Chavela Vargas. The lyrics really get you. Not to mention it goes with my mood right now.....

Paloma Negra

Ya me canso de llorar y no amanece
Ya no sé si maldecirte o por ti rezar
Tengo miedo de buscarte y de encontrarte
Donde me aseguran mis amigos que te vas
Hay momentos en que quisiera mejor rajarme
Arrancarme ya los clavos de mi penar
Pero mis ojos se mueren sin mirar tus ojos
Y mi cariño con la aurora te vuelve a esperar

Y agarraste por tu cuenta la parranda
Paloma negra, paloma negra ¿dónde, dónde andarás?
Ya no jueges con mi honra parrandera
Si tus caricias han de ser mías, de nadie más
Y aunque te amo con locura ya no vuelva
Paloma negra eres la reja de un penar
Quiero ser libre vivir mi vida con quien yo quiera
Díos dame fuerza que me estoy muriendo
por irlo a buscar

Y agarraste por tu cuenta las parrandas

Black Dove

I'm tired of crying with no hope
I don't know whether to curse you or pray for you
I'm afraid to look for you and find you
Where my friends assured me you go
There are times when I'd like to die
And release myself from this suffering
But my eyes will die without seeing yours
And at dawn my love will be waiting for you again

As for you, you are partying
Black dove, black dove, where are you?
You shouldn't play with my pride
Since your affection should have been mine and no one else's.
And even though I love you madly, don't come back
I want to be free, live my life with someone I love
God give me strength because I'm dying to go look for him


Monday, February 4, 2013

I can't get it together right now....gotta vent

It's almost 2 am and I'm having a meltdown it seems. I don't know if I'm crying tears of joy or sadness but it turns out that contrary to what people told me the first guy I ever fell head over heels for/my homie/ the inspiration for D&K is not dead......he's actually alive but he's not himself. I won't put out all the details to respect him and his family but I was told that he had been in an accident and died...instead by a miracle he survived it he's....I just wow. It really just broke my heart to see him like that. It's crazy. I pray that he even has the capacity to remember me and our friendship. Damn man. It takes a lot to break me down like this.

~Once love always love~

Sunday, February 3, 2013

What the hell is wrong with Kim Kardashian?

Please someone tell me why 'Kimmy cakes' was acting like a Beyonce stan today....Doesn't Bey NOT like her? I mean if that is the case it looks like she is being a little extra on trying to be her friend. She should really just sit down in a corner somewhere and hush. Based on the response from Beyonce's fan...she probably will think twice next time before she goes all stalker on Bey. Want some kee-kee's search for Kim Kardashian on twitter....they goin in lol.